GET /api/species/?format=api&page=34
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            "url": "",
            "slug": "cajanus-cajan",
            "latin_name": "Cajanus cajan",
            "description": "The pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) is a perennial legume from the family Fabaceae native to the  Eastern Hemisphere. The pigeon pea is widely cultivated in tropical and semitropical regions around the world, being commonly consumed in South Asia, Southeast Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean.: 5941",
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            "slug": "cajanus-cajanifolius",
            "latin_name": "Cajanus cajanifolius",
            "description": "The genus Cajanus is a member of the plant family Fabaceae. There are 37 species, mainly distributed across Africa, Asia and Australasia.\nSpecies include the pigeon pea (C. cajan), which is a significant food crop.\nThe natural range of Cajanus species includes West Africa, Madagascar and the Comoros, the Indian Subcontinent, Indochina, southern China and Taiwan, Malesia, New Guinea, and northern Australia. Typical habitats include seasonally-dry tropical open forest, woodland, and grassland, often in rocky or disturbed areas. Some species, including Cajanus cajan, have been introduced to the tropical Americas, elsewhere in Africa, and to central Asia.\nCajanus species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Endoclita malabaricus.\nSpecies include:\n\nCajanus acutifolius (F.Muell. ex Benth.) Maesen\nCajanus albicans (Wight & Arn.) Maesen\nCajanus aromaticus Maesen\nCajanus cajan (L.) Huth – pigeon pea, Congo-pea\nCajanus cajanifolius (Haines) Maesen\nCajanus cinereus (F.Muell. ex Benth.) F.Muell.\nCajanus confertiflorus F.Muell.\nCajanus crassicaulis Maesen\nCajanus crassus (Prain ex King) Maesen\nCajanus elongatus (Benth.) Maesen\nCajanus geminatus Pedley ex Maesen\nCajanus goensis Dalzell\nCajanus grandiflorus (Benth. ex Baker) Maesen\nCajanus heynei (Wight & Arn.) Maesen\nCajanus hirtopilosus Maesen\nCajanus kerstingii Harms\nCajanus lanceolatus (W.Fitzg.) Maesen\nCajanus lanuginosus Maesen\nCajanus latisepalus (S.T.Reynolds & Pedley) Maesen\nCajanus lineatus (Wight & Arn.) Maesen\nCajanus mareebensis (S.T.Reynolds & Pedley) Maesen\nCajanus marmoratus (Banks ex Benth.) F.Muell.\nCajanus mollis (Benth.) Maesen\nCajanus niveus (Benth.) Maesen\nCajanus platycarpus (Benth.) Maesen\nCajanus pubescens (Ewart & Morrison) Maesen\nCajanus reticulatus Aiton) F.Muell.\nCajanus scarabaeoides (L.) Thouars\nCajanus sericeus (Benth. ex Baker) Maesen\nCajanus trinervius (DC.) Maesen\nCajanus villosus (Benth. ex Baker) Maesen\nCajanus viscidus Maesen\nCajanus volubilis (Blanco) Blanco",
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            "slug": "calamus-latifolius",
            "latin_name": "Calamus latifolius",
            "description": "Calamus latifolius is a climbing plant, part of a subfamily, Calamoideae, whose members are usually called rattans in English, they are part of the Arecaceae, or palm, family.\nIt is a moderately robust climber, growing up to 30m, usually with a cluster of stems and a leafsheath 3 cm in diameter. Its leaves are curate, 2-3m long, with a prominently kneed, spiny (3 cm long) leafsheath. Both female and male flowers are simply decompound. The globose fruit is dull brown to blackish, with flattened fruit scales and a single seed.\nThe rattan grows in semi-dense forests of Cambodia and southern Vietnam.\nIn the Chuŏr Phnum Dâmrei of southwestern Cambodia, they are characterized as growing on the edge of evergreen rainforest, usually as understorey, but becoming lianas when mature.\nIt also occurs as a large liana in the forest around Steung Sangke in the northwest of Cambodia.\nGrowing in the Sitakunda Botanical Garden and Eco-park, Bangladesh, it is regarded as under threat from illicit felling, over-harvesting for raw material and intentional fire hazards during the dry season.\nIn India it occurs in moist lower hill forest communities up to 1000m, mostly near fresh water swamps.\nIt is native to: Peninsular Malaysia; Thailand; Cambodia; southern Vietnam; Laos; Andaman and Nicobar Islands; Myanmar; Bangladesh; Manipur, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Sikkim, and West Bengal in India; and eastern Nepal.\nVarious names by which the plant is known by include: phdau chhvèang, phdau chu:(r), Khmer (phdau=rattan).; korak, budum, Bangladesh.; lee-ren, Meitei, Manipur; golar, raiding, Adi language, Arunuchal Pradesh;  korak bet, horna bet, India.\nThe fruit are eaten in Cambodia.\nIn the same country the canes are regarded as flexible and strong, and are much appreciated for basket making.\nOne of the many ingredients of Singju (prepared mainly of green vegetables with other plant parts like inflorescences and flowers, seeds, roots, rhizomes, etc., along with [non-vegetarian] or without [vegetarian] fermented dry fish, Ngari), the Meitei people of Manipur use the young shoots, which can sell for 10-15 Rupees for a bunch of 3-5 young shoots in the local markets.\nIn Arunuchal Pradesh, the stems and fruit are eaten raw and are sold in markets.\nIn India the rattan is characterized as moderately strong, and is used for making rough baskets, walking sticks, and furniture frames, with the split canes used for weaving chair bottoms.",
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            "slug": "calamus-viminalis",
            "latin_name": "Calamus viminalis",
            "description": "Calamus viminalis, one of many Calamus species commonly referred to as rattan, is a plant of the Arecaceae, or palm, family native to: Java and Bali in Indonesia; Peninsular Malaysia; all parts of Thailand; Cambodia; Cochinchina and Central Annam in Vietnam; all parts of Laos; Myanmar; Bangladesh; Andaman and Nicobar Islands; North-east, North-central, and South India; and probably north-west and south Yunnan in China.\nThe plant grows with clustered stems, either climbing on other plants or forming thickets. The stems can reach 35m with a diameter up to 4 cm. The whitish or yellowish globose fruit, up to 1 cm in diam., are sometimes borne in pairs.\nIn Tripura state, India, the palm flowers and fruits from November to January.\nIt grows at village margins and in scrub, forest edge and (locally) inside evergreen forest, from 0-600m elevation.\nIn Cambodia it occurs in semi-dense forests and at the rear of mangrove formations.\nAs the palm is favoured by forest loss and tolerates harvesting well, it is of no conservation concern.\nVernacular names include: Thai, wai ngamkhao, wai namhang, wai sambai, wai mon, wai som, wai dong; Khmer phdau kraek (phdau=rattan), phdao chhvaing krek; Hmong, katengparua; Alak, rebou; Lao, wai ton, wai nyair, wai na, wai khom, wai namhang, wai keethao, wai nang, wai tiudeet, wai namleuang; Khamu, blong chang; Andaman Islands dudh beth (beth is common to rattans); in Tripura state, India, bet gota, rigorusam; in Songhason Hills, Assam, pri; Chinese 柳条省藤 liu tiao sheng teng.\nThe rattan or cane is of moderate quality, and is used in many places for handicrafts and sometimes traded.\nIn Cambodia it is described as being used to make rough baskets, ropes and canes. Villages in Kampong Chhnang, Mondulkiri and Ratanakiri provinces in Cambodia grow this palm in plantations, and use the stems for making furnishings, it is regarded as having medium market value and conservation value.\nThe shoot of the germinating plant is edible, in Southeast Asia they are about 1m long when harvested, and sold in bundles with the leaf sheaths in place, if the sheaths are removed the shoot must be cooked immediately, otherwise they can remain fresh for a week. \nThe fruit is sometimes sold for food.\nIn the Andaman Islands, the stem is not used for commercial purposes, though may be used for domestic items, it is regarded as easily breakable, but the fruit is eaten.\nAmongst forest-dwelling people of Tripura state, India, the sour-tasting ripe fruit is eaten with salt and chili.\nIn the Songhason Hills of Karbi Anglong District of Assam the fruit and shoots are used as food while the stems are used for construction and craft, it is suggested that the plant has potential for horticultural production.",
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            "slug": "calathea-crotalifera",
            "latin_name": "Calathea crotalifera",
            "description": "Calathea crotalifera, the rattlesnake plant or rattle shaker, is a species of flowering plant in the family Marantaceae. It is native to central and southern Mexico, Central America, and tropical South America, and it has been introduced to Hawaii and Puerto Rico. A rhizomatous perennial reaching 3 m (10 ft), it is typically found in wet tropical areas. It has found use as an ornamental.",
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            "slug": "calendula-officinalis",
            "latin_name": "Calendula officinalis",
            "description": "Calendula officinalis, the pot marigold, common marigold, ruddles, Mary's gold or Scotch marigold, is a flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae. It is probably native to southern Europe, though its long history of cultivation makes its precise origin unknown. It is also widely naturalised farther north in Europe (as far as southern England) and elsewhere in warm temperate regions of the world.\nThe Latin specific epithet officinalis refers to the plant's medicinal and herbal uses.",
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            "slug": "calliandra-haematocephala",
            "latin_name": "Calliandra haematocephala",
            "description": "Calliandra haematocephala, the red powder puff, is a species of flowering plants of the genus Calliandra in the family Fabaceae.",
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            "url": "",
            "slug": "calliandra-houstoniana",
            "latin_name": "Calliandra houstoniana",
            "description": "Calliandra houstoniana is a species of flowering plants of the genus Calliandra in the family Fabaceae.",
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            "slug": "calliandra-surinamensis",
            "latin_name": "Calliandra surinamensis",
            "description": "Calliandra surinamensis is a low branching evergreen tropical shrub that is named after Suriname, a country in northern South America. The plant usually has complexly branched multiple trunks and grows to a height of about 5 metres, although many sources suggest that it only attains a height of 3 metres. Left unpruned it grows long thin branches that eventually droop down onto the ground. The leaves close and droop from dusk until morning when they once again reopen. Calliandra surinamensis is said to contain lectins which are toxic to cancer cells, although more research is needed. Calliandra surinamensis contains three important compounds: myrectin which contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, lupeol which contains anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties, and ferulic acid which contains antimicrobial properties.",
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            "slug": "callicarpa-macrophylla",
            "latin_name": "Callicarpa macrophylla",
            "description": "Callicarpa macrophylla is a species of beautyberry native to the Indian subcontinent. Its fruits are small white drupes.",
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