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"slug": "amblovenatum-opulentum",
"latin_name": "Amblovenatum opulentum",
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"gbif_id": 8151888,
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"slug": "amelanchier-alnifolia",
"latin_name": "Amelanchier alnifolia",
"description": "Amelanchier alnifolia, the saskatoon berry, Pacific serviceberry, western serviceberry, western shadbush, or western juneberry, is a shrub native to North America. It is a member of the rose family, and bears an edible berry-like fruit.",
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"slug": "amelanchier-arborea",
"latin_name": "Amelanchier arborea",
"description": "Amelanchier arborea (downy serviceberry or common serviceberry), is native to eastern North America from the Gulf Coast north to Thunder Bay in Ontario and Lake St. John in Quebec, and west to Texas and Minnesota.\nOther common names are \"shadberries\" (as their blossoming coincides with the shad runs in New England), \"Juneberries\" (because the berries usually set on in June), and \"Service\" or \"Sarvice\" berries because their blooms mean that the muddy back roads into the \"coves and hollers\" of Appalachia will soon be passable for circuit-riding preachers and the communities will be able to have Sunday services again. (Some say, more morbidly, that it means the ground is soft enough to dig, which means that those who died over winter can be buried and have services said over them.)\nAmelanchier arborea is generally 5–12 m (16–39 ft) tall. Occasionally, it can grow up to 20 metres (66 ft) tall and reach into the overstory. The trunk can be up to 15 cm (6 in) in diameter (rarely to 40 cm or 16 in). The bark is smooth and gray.\nThe buds are slender with a pointed tip, and usually more than two scales visible. The leaves are ovate or elliptical, 4–8 cm (1+1⁄2–3+1⁄4 in), rarely 10 cm (4 in), long and 2.5–4 cm (1–1+5⁄8 in) wide, with pointed tips and finely serrated margins. A characteristic useful for identification is that the young leaves emerge downy on the underside. The fall color is variable, from orange-yellow to pinkish or reddish.\n\nIt has perfect flowers that are 15–25 mm (5⁄8–1 in) in diameter, with 5 petals, emerging during budbreak in early spring. The petals are white. Flowers are produced on pendulous racemes 3–5 cm (1+1⁄4–2 in) long with 4–10 flowers on each raceme. The flowers are pollinated by bees. The fruit is a reddish-purple pome, resembling a small apple in shape. They ripen in summer and are very popular with birds. The fruit is eaten by over 40 species of birds and various mammals, including squirrels, rabbits, chipmunks, mice, voles, foxes, black bears, deer, and elk. \nIt also commonly hybridizes with other species of Amelanchier, the hybrid Amelanchier × grandiflora being one example, and identification can be very difficult as a result.",
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"slug": "amelanchier-canadensis",
"latin_name": "Amelanchier canadensis",
"description": "Amelanchier canadensis (bilberry, Canadian serviceberry, chuckle-berry, currant-tree, juneberry, shad-blow serviceberry, shad-blow, shadbush, shadbush serviceberry, sugarplum, thicket serviceberry) is a species of Amelanchier native to eastern North America in Canada from Newfoundland west to southern Ontario, and in the United States from Maine south to Alabama. It is largely restricted to wet sites, particularly on the Atlantic coastal plain, growing at altitudes from sea level up to 200 m.",
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"slug": "amelanchier-laevis",
"latin_name": "Amelanchier laevis",
"description": "Amelanchier laevis, the smooth shadbush, smooth serviceberry or Allegheny serviceberry, is a North American species of tree in the rose family Rosaceae, growing up to 9 metres (30 ft) tall. It is native to eastern Canada and the eastern United States, from Newfoundland west to Ontario, Minnesota, and Iowa, south as far as Georgia and Alabama.",
"gbif_id": 3023832,
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"slug": "ammi-majus",
"latin_name": "Ammi majus",
"description": "Ammi majus, commonly called bishop's flower, false bishop's weed, laceflower, bullwort, etc., is a member of the carrot family Apiaceae. The plant, which has white lace-like flower clusters, has a large distribution through Southern Europe, North Africa and West and Central Asia, though it is hypothesized to be native to the Nile River Valley.",
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"slug": "amorpha-canescens",
"latin_name": "Amorpha canescens",
"description": "Amorpha canescens, known as leadplant, downy indigo bush, prairie shoestring, or buffalo bellows, is a small, perennial semi-shrub in the pea family (Fabaceae), native to North America. It has very small purple flowers with yellow stamens which are grouped in racemes. Depending on location, the flowers bloom from late June through mid-September. The compound leaves of this plant appear leaden (the reason for the common name \"leadplant\") due to their dense hairiness. The roots can grow up to 5 m (16 ft) deep and can spread up to 1 metre (3 ft 3 in) radially. This plant can be found growing in well-drained soils of prairies, bluffs, and open woodlands.",
"gbif_id": 5357388,
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"slug": "amorpha-fruticosa",
"latin_name": "Amorpha fruticosa",
"description": "Amorpha fruticosa is a species of flowering plant in the legume family Fabaceae, known by several common names, including desert false indigo, false indigo-bush, and bastard indigobush. It is native to North America.",
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"slug": "ampelodesmos-mauritanicus",
"latin_name": "Ampelodesmos mauritanicus",
"description": "Ampelodesmos is a genus of Mediterranean plants in the grass family, which is known by the common names stramma, Mauritania grass, rope grass, and dis(s) grass. It is classified in its own tribe Ampelodesmeae within the grass subfamily Pooideae.\nThe genus probably originated through ancient hybrid speciation, as a cross between parents from tribes Stipeae and Phaenospermateae.\nAmpelodesmos mauritanicus is a large clumping perennial bunchgrass, which is native to the Mediterranean region. It has been introduced outside its native range and is cultivated as an ornamental grass. Its nodding flower panicles can be nearly two feet long. In its native area it is used as a fiber for making mats, brooms, and twine. The plant can become an Invasive species in non-native ecosystems beyond the Mediterranean Basin. \nIts nodding flower panicles can be nearly two feet long. In its native area it is used as a fiber for making mats, brooms, and twine. The leaves of this grass possess sharp edges and can inflict small lacerations on exposed skin.\nThe genus name comes from the Greek ampelos, \"vine\", and desmos, \"bond\", from its former use as a string to tie up grapevines.\n\nSpecies\nAmpelodesmos ampelodesmon (Cirillo) Kerguélen - Sicily\nAmpelodesmos mauritanicus (Poir.) T.Durand & Schinz - Spain incl Balearic Is, France incl Corsica, Italy incl Sardinia + Sicily, Greece, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya\nformerly included\nsee Cortaderia \n\nAmpelodesmos australis - Cortaderia pilosa",
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"slug": "amphicarpaea-bracteata",
"latin_name": "Amphicarpaea bracteata",
"description": "Amphicarpaea bracteata (hog-peanut or ground bean) is an annual to perennial vine in the legume family, native to woodland, thickets, and moist slopes in eastern North America.",
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