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"count": 942,
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"results": [
"url": "",
"slug": "olyra",
"latin_name": "Olyra",
"description": "",
"gbif_id": 2705466,
"image_thumbnail": "",
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"slug": "oncoba",
"latin_name": "Oncoba",
"description": "Oncoba is a genus of African plants in the family Salicaceae. It contains the following species:\n\nOncoba brachyanthera Oliv.\nOncoba breteleri Hul\nOncoba routledgei Sprague\nOncoba spinosa Forssk.",
"gbif_id": 7110809,
"image_thumbnail": "",
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"url": "",
"slug": "opuntia",
"latin_name": "Opuntia",
"description": "Opuntia, commonly called the prickly pear cactus, is a genus of flowering plants in the cactus family Cactaceae, many known for their flavorful fruit and showy flowers. Cacti are well-adapted to aridity, however, they are still vulnerable to alterations in precipitation and temperature driven by climate change. Prickly pear alone is more commonly used to refer exclusively to the fruit, but may also be used for the plant itself; in addition, other names given to the plant and its specific parts include tuna (fruit), sabra, sabbar, nopal (pads, plural nopales) from the Nahuatl word nōpalli, nostle (fruit) from the Nahuatl word nōchtli, and paddle cactus. The genus is named for the Ancient Greek city of Opus, where, according to Theophrastus, an edible plant grew and could be propagated by rooting its leaves. The most common culinary species is the \"Barbary fig\" (Opuntia ficus-indica).",
"gbif_id": 3084187,
"image_thumbnail": "",
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"slug": "origanum",
"latin_name": "Origanum",
"description": "Origanum ( oh-RIG-ə-nəm) is a genus of herbaceous perennial flowering plants and subshrubs in the family Lamiaceae. They are native to Europe, North Africa, and much of temperate Asia, where they are found in open or mountainous habitats. A few species also naturalized in scattered locations in North America and other regions.\nThe plants have strongly aromatic leaves and abundant tubular flowers with long-lasting coloured bracts. The genus includes the important group of culinary herbs: marjoram (Origanum majorana) and oregano (Origanum vulgare).\nWith their decorative bracts, Origanum species and cultivars are used as ornamental plants in the garden. The cultivars 'Kent Beauty' and 'Rosenkuppel' have received the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.\nOriganum species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species, including Coleophora albitarsella.\nSpecies\n\nOriganum acutidens (Hand.-Mazz.) Ietsw. – Turkey, Iraq\nOriganum × adanense Baser & H.Duman – Turkey (O. bargyli × O. laevigatum)\nOriganum × adonidis Mouterde – Lebanon (O. libanoticum × O. syriacum subsp. bevanii)\nOriganum akhdarense Ietsw. & Boulos – Cyrenaica region of eastern Libya\nOriganum amanum Post – Hatay region of Turkey\nOriganum × barbarae Bornm. – Lebanon (O. ehrenbergii × O. syriacum subsp. bevanii)\nOriganum bargyli Mouterde – Turkey, Syria\nOriganum bilgeri P.H.Davis - Antalya region of Turkey\nOriganum boissieri Ietsw. – Turkey\nOriganum calcaratum Juss. – Greece\nOriganum compactum Benth. - Spain, Morocco\nOriganum cordifolium (Montbret & Aucher ex Benth.) Vogel – Cyprus\nOriganum cyrenaicum Bég. & Vacc. – Cyrenaica region of eastern Libya\nOriganum dayi Post – Israel\nOriganum dictamnus L. – hop marjoram, Cretan dittany, dittany of Crete – endemic to Crete\nOriganum × dolichosiphon P.H.Davis – Seyhan region of Turkey (O. amanum × O. laevigatum)\nOriganum ehrenbergii Boiss. – Lebanon\nOriganum elongatum (Bonnet) Emb. & Maire – Morocco\nOriganum floribundum Munby – Algeria\nOriganum × haradjanii Rech.f – Turkey (O. laevigatum × O. syriacum subsp. bevanii)\nOriganum haussknechtii Boiss. – Turkey\nOriganum husnucan-baseri H.Duman, Aytac & A.Duran – Turkey\nOriganum hypericifolium O.Schwarz & P.H.Davis – Turkey\nOriganum × intercedens Rech.f. – Greece, Turkey (O. onites × O. vulgare subsp. hirtum)\nOriganum × intermedium P.H.Davis – Denizli region of Turkey (O. onites × O. sipyleum)\nOriganum isthmicum Danin – Sinai\nOriganum jordanicum Danin & Kunne – Jordan\nOriganum laevigatum Boiss. – Turkey, Syria, Cyprus\nOriganum leptocladum Boiss. - Turkey\nOriganum libanoticum Boiss. – Lebanon\nOriganum majorana L. – (sweet) marjoram – Turkey, Cyprus; naturalized in scattered locations in Europe, North Africa, North + South America\nOriganum × lirium Heldr. ex Halácsy – Greece (O. scabrum × O. vulgare subsp. hirtum)\nOriganum × majoricum Cambess. – hardy sweet marjoram – Spain including Balearic Islands (O. majorana × O. vulgare subsp. virens)\nOriganum microphyllum (Benth.) Vogel – Crete\nOriganum × minoanum P.H.Davis - Crete (O. microphyllum × O. vulgare subsp. hirtum)\nOriganum minutiflorum O.Schwarz & P.H.Davis – Turkey\nOriganum munzurense Kit Tan & Sorger – Turkey\nOriganum × nebrodense Tineo ex Lojac – Sicily (O. majorana × O. vulgare subsp. viridulum)\nOriganum onites L. – Greece, Turkey, Sicily\nOriganum × pabotii Mouterde – Syria (O. bargyli × O. syriacum subsp. bevanii)\nOriganum pampaninii (Brullo & Furnari) Ietsw – Cyrenaica region of eastern Libya\nOriganum petraeum Danin – Jordan\nOriganum punonense Danin – Jordan\nOriganum ramonense Danin – Levant\nOriganum rotundifolium Boiss. – Turkey, Caucasus\nOriganum saccatum P.H.Davis – Turkey\nOriganum scabrum Boiss. & Heldr. in P.E.Boissier – Greece\nOriganum sipyleum L. -Turkey, Greek Islands\nOriganum solymicum P.H.Davis – Antalya region of Turkey\nOriganum symes Carlström – Islands of the Aegean Sea\nOriganum syriacum L. – Turkey, Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Sinai, Saudi Arabia\nOriganum vetteri Briq. & Barbey – Crete\nOriganum vogelii Greuter & Burdet – Turkey\nOriganum vulgare L. – oregano – Europe, North Africa, temperate Asia (Iran, Siberia, Central Asia, China, etc.); naturalized in parts of North America, New Zealand, Venezuela",
"gbif_id": 2926611,
"image_thumbnail": "",
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"slug": "ormocarpum",
"latin_name": "Ormocarpum",
"description": "Ormocarpum is a genus of flowering plants in the legume family, Fabaceae. It includes 17 species native to tropical and southern Africa and parts of India, Indochina, Malesia, Papuasia, and the South Pacific. The genus was recently assigned to the informal monophyletic Dalbergia clade of the Dalbergieae.",
"gbif_id": 2954019,
"image_thumbnail": "",
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"slug": "ornithogalum",
"latin_name": "Ornithogalum",
"description": "Ornithogalum is a genus of perennial plants mostly native to southern Europe and southern Africa belonging to the family Asparagaceae. Some species are native to other areas such as the Caucasus. Some species are classified as noxious invasive weeds in some portions of North America. Growing from a bulb, species have linear basal leaves and a slender stalk, up to 30 cm tall, bearing clusters of typically white star-shaped flowers, often striped with green. The common name of the genus, star-of-Bethlehem, is based on its star-shaped flowers, after the Star of Bethlehem that appears in the biblical account of the birth of Jesus. The number of species has varied considerably, depending on authority, from 50 to 300.",
"gbif_id": 9606396,
"image_thumbnail": "",
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"slug": "oroxylum",
"latin_name": "Oroxylum",
"description": "Oroxylum indicum is a species of flowering plant of the monotypic genus Oroxylum in the family Bignoniaceae.: 128 It is commonly called Indian trumpet tree, oroxylum, Indian trumpet flower, broken bones, scythe tree or tree of Damocles. It can reach a height of 18 metres (59 ft). Various segments of the tree are used in traditional medicine.",
"gbif_id": 7298257,
"image_thumbnail": "",
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"slug": "orthosiphon",
"latin_name": "Orthosiphon",
"description": "Orthosiphon is a genus of plants in the family Lamiaceae native to Africa, Southern Asia and Queensland, with one species (O. americanus) in Colombia. They are herbaceous shrubs which grow to a height of 1.5 m (5 ft). Some Orthosiphon species are popular garden plants because of their flowers, which are white and bluish with filaments resembling a cat's whiskers. In the wild, the plants can be seen growing in forests and along roadsides.\nCommon names in Southeast Asia are Misai Kucing (Malaysia), Kumis Kucing and Remujung (Indonesia), and Yaa Nuat Maeo (Thailand).",
"gbif_id": 6410205,
"image_thumbnail": "",
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"url": "",
"slug": "oryza",
"latin_name": "Oryza",
"description": "Oryza is a genus of plants in the grass family. It includes the major food crop rice (species Oryza sativa and Oryza glaberrima). Members of the genus grow as tall, wetland grasses, growing to 1–2 metres (3–7 ft) tall; the genus includes both annual and perennial species.\nOryza is situated in tribe Oryzeae, which is characterized morphologically by its single-flowered spikelets whose glumes are almost completely suppressed. In Oryza, two sterile lemma simulate glumes. The tribe Oryzeae is in subfamily Ehrhartoideae, a group of Poaceae tribes with certain features of internal leaf anatomy in common. The most distinctive leaf characteristics of this subfamily are the arm cells and fusoid cells found in their leaves.\nOne species, Asian rice (O. sativa), provides 20% of global grain and is a food crop of major global importance. The species are divided into two subgroups within the genus.",
"gbif_id": 2703455,
"image_thumbnail": "",
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"slug": "oscillatoria",
"latin_name": "Oscillatoria",
"description": "Oscillatoria is a genus of sugar making microscopic creatures.\nIt is a filamentous cyanobacterium which is often found in freshwater environments and appears blue-green. Its name refers to the oscillating motion of its filaments as they slide against each other to position the colony facing a light source. Oscillatoria reproduces by fragmentation, facilitated by dead cells which separate a filament into separate sections, or hormogonia, which then grow. Oscillatoria uses photosynthesis to survive and reproduce. Each filament of Oscillatoria consists of trichome which is made up of rows of cells. The tip of the trichome oscillates like a pendulum. Reproduction takes place by vegetative means only. Usually the filament breaks into a number of fragments called hormogonia. Each hormogonium consist of one or more cells and grows into a filament by cell division in one direction.\nOscillatoria are the subject of research into the natural production of butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), an antioxidant, food additive, and industrial chemical.\nCyclic peptides called venturamides, which may have anti-malarial activity, have been isolated from bacteria in this genus. They are the first peptides with this activity to have been found in cyanobacteria.\nSerinolamide A is a cannabinoid structurally related to Anandamide that has been found to occur in Oscillatoria species.\nAs a result of recent genetic analyses, several new genera were erected from this genus, e.g. Tenebriella.",
"gbif_id": 7679569,
"image_thumbnail": "",
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