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"count": 942,
"next": "",
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"results": [
"url": "",
"slug": "aldrovanda",
"latin_name": "Aldrovanda",
"description": "Aldrovanda is a genus of carnivorous plants encompassing one extant species (Aldrovanda vesiculosa, the waterwheel plant) and numerous extinct taxa. The genus is named in honor of the Italian naturalist Ulisse Aldrovandi, the founder of the Botanical Garden of Bologna, Orto Botanico dell'Università di Bologna. Aldrovanda vesiculosa has been reported from scattered locations in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia.",
"gbif_id": 8230070,
"image_thumbnail": "",
"image_large": ""
"url": "",
"slug": "alectryon",
"latin_name": "Alectryon",
"description": "",
"gbif_id": 3189998,
"image_thumbnail": "",
"image_large": ""
"url": "",
"slug": "aleurites",
"latin_name": "Aleurites",
"description": "Aleurites moluccanus, the candlenut, is a flowering tree in the spurge family, Euphorbiaceae, also known as candleberry, Indian walnut, kemiri, varnish tree, nuez de la India, buah keras, godou, kukui nut tree, and rata kekuna.",
"gbif_id": 3072436,
"image_thumbnail": "",
"image_large": ""
"url": "",
"slug": "allanblackia",
"latin_name": "Allanblackia",
"description": "Allanblackia is a genus of flowering plant in the family Clusiaceae. Molecular phylogenetic analyses indicate that is it nested in the dioecious Garcinia. The genus name commemorates Allan Black.\nIt contains the following species:\n\nAllanblackia floribunda (Nigeria to DR Congo and Angola)\nAllanblackia gabonensis\nAllanblackia kimbiliensis\nAllanblackia kisonghi\nAllanblackia marienii\nAllanblackia parviflora (Upper Guinea, from Ghana westwards)\nAllanblackia staneriana\nAllanblackia stuhlmannii (Eastern arc mountains -Usambara Tanzania)\nAllanblackia ulugurensis (Eastern arc mountains -Uluguru Tanzania)",
"gbif_id": 7330155,
"image_thumbnail": "",
"image_large": ""
"url": "",
"slug": "allium",
"latin_name": "Allium",
"description": "Allin is both a surname and a given name. Notable people with the name include:\nSurname:\n\nBuddy Allin (1944–2007), American golfer\nGG Allin (1956–1993), punk rock singer-songwriter and musician\nMerle Allin (born 1953), American bassist\nNorman Allin (1884–1973), British bass singer\nRoger Allin (1848–1936), American politician\nRosena Allin-Khan, British politician\nSir Thomas Allin, 1st Baronet (17th century), English naval officer\nGiven name:\n\nAllin Braund (1915–2004), British artist\nEric Allin Cornell (born 1961), American physicist\nAllin Kempthorne (born 1973), British actor and magician",
"gbif_id": 9624496,
"image_thumbnail": "",
"image_large": ""
"url": "",
"slug": "allophylus",
"latin_name": "Allophylus",
"description": "Allophylus is a genus within the plant family Sapindaceae. It includes 211 species with a pantropical distribution.\nA list of species (incomplete):\n\nAllophylus agbala Hauman – Central Africa (DRC)\nAllophylus aldabricus Radlk. – Indian Ocean (Seychelles)\nAllophylus bullatus Radlk. – Central Africa\nAllophylus chartaceus (Kurz) Radlkofer – South/Southeast Asia\nAllophylus chirindensis Baker f. – Southern Africa\nAllophylus cobbe (L.) Rausch. – Pantropical\nAllophylus decipiens (E.Mey.) Radlk. – Southern Africa\nAllophylus dodsonii A.H.Gentry – South America (Ecuador)\nAllophylus edulis (St.Hil.) Radlk. – South America\nAllophylus hispidus (Thwaites) Trimen – South Asia (Sri Lanka)\nAllophylus marquesensis F.Brown – Oceania (French Polynesia)\nAllophylus natalensis (Sond.) De Winter – Southern Africa\nAllophylus pachyphyllus Radlk. – Caribbean (Jamaica)\nAllophylus rapensis F. Brown – Oceania (French Polynesia)\nAllophylus rhoidiphyllus Balf.f. – Middle East (Yemen)\nAllophylus rhomboidalis (Nadeaud) Radlk. – Oceania (French Polynesia and Pitcairn)\nAllophylus roigii Lippold – Caribbean (Cuba)\nAllophylus zeylanicus L. – South Asia (Sri Lanka)\nAllophylus zimmermannianus Gilg ex Engl. – East Africa",
"gbif_id": 3189992,
"image_thumbnail": "",
"image_large": ""
"url": "",
"slug": "alnus",
"latin_name": "Alnus",
"description": "",
"gbif_id": 2876099,
"image_thumbnail": "",
"image_large": ""
"url": "",
"slug": "aloe",
"latin_name": "Aloe",
"description": "",
"gbif_id": 2770879,
"image_thumbnail": "",
"image_large": ""
"url": "",
"slug": "aloidendron",
"latin_name": "Aloidendron",
"description": "Aloidendron dichotomum, formerly Aloe dichotoma, the quiver tree or kokerboom, is a tall, branching species of succulent plant, indigenous to Southern Africa, specifically in the Northern Cape province of South Africa, and parts of Southern Namibia.",
"gbif_id": 9547395,
"image_thumbnail": "",
"image_large": ""
"url": "",
"slug": "aloysia",
"latin_name": "Aloysia",
"description": "Aloysia is a genus of flowering plants in the verbena family, Verbenaceae. They are known generally as beebrushes. They are native to the Americas, where they are distributed in temperate climates, as well as in subtropical and desert climates. The genus is named for Maria Luisa of Parma (1751-1819), wife of King Charles IV of Spain.",
"gbif_id": 2925634,
"image_thumbnail": "",
"image_large": ""