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    "count": 942,
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    "results": [
            "url": "",
            "slug": "dalbergia",
            "latin_name": "Dalbergia",
            "description": "Dalbergia is a large genus of small to medium-size trees, shrubs and lianas in the pea family, Fabaceae, subfamily Faboideae. It was recently assigned to the informal monophyletic Dalbergia clade (or tribe): the Dalbergieae.  The genus has a wide distribution, native to the tropical regions of Central and South America, Africa, Madagascar and southern Asia.",
            "gbif_id": 2968358,
            "image_thumbnail": "",
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            "url": "",
            "slug": "daniellia",
            "latin_name": "Daniellia",
            "description": "Daniellia is a genus of plants in the family Fabaceae, named after William Freeman Daniell. It includes ten species native to sub-Saharan Africa, ranging from Senegal to Sudan and south to Zambia and Angola.\nIt contains the following species:\n\nDaniellia alsteeniana P.A.Duvign.\nDaniellia glandulosa Estrella\nDaniellia klainei Pierre ex A.Chev.\nDaniellia oblonga Oliv.\nDaniellia ogea (Harms) Rolfe ex Holland\nDaniellia oliveri (Rolfe) Hutch. & Dalziel\nDaniellia pilosa (J.Léonard) Estrella\nDaniellia pynaertii De Wild.\nDaniellia soyauxii (Harms) Rolfe\nDaniellia thurifera Benn.",
            "gbif_id": 2948719,
            "image_thumbnail": "",
            "image_large": ""
            "url": "",
            "slug": "datura",
            "latin_name": "Datura",
            "description": "In common usage, data (, also US: ; ) are a collection of discrete or continuous values that convey information, describing the quantity, quality, fact, statistics, other basic units of meaning, or simply sequences of symbols that may be further interpreted formally.  A datum is an individual value in a collection of data. Data are usually organized into structures such as tables that provide additional context and meaning, and which may themselves be used as data in larger structures. Data may be used as variables in a computational process. Data may represent abstract ideas or concrete measurements.\nData are commonly used in scientific research, economics, and in virtually every other form of human organizational activity.  Examples of data sets include price indices (such as consumer price index), unemployment rates, literacy rates, and census data. In this context, data represent the raw facts and figures from which useful information can be extracted. \nData are collected using techniques such as measurement, observation, query, or analysis, and are typically represented as numbers or characters which may be further processed. Field data are data that are collected in an uncontrolled in-situ environment. Experimental data are data that are generated in the course of a controlled scientific experiment.  Data are analyzed using techniques such as calculation, reasoning, discussion, presentation, visualization, or other forms of post-analysis.  Prior to analysis, raw data (or unprocessed data) are typically cleaned: Outliers are removed and obvious instrument or data entry errors are corrected.\nData can be seen as the smallest units of factual information that can be used as a basis for calculation, reasoning, or discussion. Data can range from abstract ideas to concrete measurements, including, but not limited to, statistics. Thematically connected data presented in some relevant context can be viewed as information. Contextually connected pieces of information can then be described as data insights or intelligence. The stock of insights and intelligence that accumulates over time resulting from the synthesis of data into information, can then be described as knowledge. Data have been described as \"the new oil of the digital economy\". Data, as a general concept, refers to the fact that some existing information or knowledge is represented or coded in some form suitable for better usage or processing.\nAdvances in computing technologies have led to the advent of big data, which usually refers to very large quantities of data, usually at the petabyte scale. Using traditional data analysis methods and computing, working with such large (and growing) datasets is difficult, even impossible. (Theoretically speaking, infinite data would yield infinite information, which would render extracting insights or intelligence impossible.) In response, the relatively new field of data science uses machine learning (and other artificial intelligence (AI)) methods that allow for efficient applications of analytic methods to big data.",
            "gbif_id": 2928734,
            "image_thumbnail": "",
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            "url": "",
            "slug": "daucus",
            "latin_name": "Daucus",
            "description": "Daucus is a worldwide genus of herbaceous plants of the celery family Apiaceae of which the best-known species is the cultivated carrot. Daucus has about 75 species. The oldest carrot fossil is 1.3 Ma, and was found on the island of Madeira in the Atlantic Ocean.",
            "gbif_id": 3034740,
            "image_thumbnail": "",
            "image_large": ""
            "url": "",
            "slug": "davallia",
            "latin_name": "Davallia",
            "description": "Davallia (deersfoot fern, hare's foot fern,  shinobu fern, rabbit foot fern,  ball fern) is a genus of about 40 species of fern. In the Pteridophyte Phylogeny Group classification of 2016 (PPG I), it is the only genus in the family Davalliaceae, which is placed in the suborder Polypodiineae, order Polypodiales. Alternatively, the family may be placed in a very broadly defined family Polypodiaceae sensu lato as the subfamily Davallioideae.\nThe family is sister to the largest family of ferns, Polypodiaceae, and shares some morphological characters with it. Species are epiphytic ferns, with fronds arising from long aerial rhizomes which grow on and over thick bark on trees or on rock crevices.",
            "gbif_id": 7148551,
            "image_thumbnail": "",
            "image_large": ""
            "url": "",
            "slug": "delonix",
            "latin_name": "Delonix",
            "description": "Delonix regia is a species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae, subfamily Caesalpinioideae native to Madagascar. It is noted for its fern-like leaves and flamboyant display of orange-red flowers over summer. In many tropical parts of the world it is grown as an ornamental tree and in English it is given the name royal poinciana, flamboyant, phoenix flower, flame of the forest, or flame tree (one of several species given this name).\nThis species was previously placed in the genus Poinciana, named for Phillippe de Longvilliers de Poincy, the 17th-century governor of Saint Christopher (Saint Kitts). It is a non-nodulating legume.",
            "gbif_id": 2956165,
            "image_thumbnail": "",
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            "url": "",
            "slug": "dendrobium",
            "latin_name": "Dendrobium",
            "description": "Dendrobium is a genus of mostly epiphytic and lithophytic orchids in the family Orchidaceae. It is a very large genus, containing more than 1,800 species that are found in diverse habitats throughout much of south, east and southeast Asia, including China, Japan, India, the Philippines, Indonesia, Australia, New Guinea, Vietnam and many of the islands of the Pacific. Orchids in this genus have roots that creep over the surface of trees or rocks, rarely having their roots in soil. Up to six leaves develop in a tuft at the tip of a shoot and from one to a large number of flowers are arranged along an unbranched flowering stem. Several attempts have been made to separate Dendrobium into smaller genera, but most have not been accepted by the World Checklist of Selected Plant Families.",
            "gbif_id": 2821327,
            "image_thumbnail": "",
            "image_large": ""
            "url": "",
            "slug": "dendrocalamus",
            "latin_name": "Dendrocalamus",
            "description": "Dendrocalamus is a tropical Asian genus of giant clumping bamboos in the grass family. It is found in the Indian subcontinent, China, and Southeast Asia.\nDendrocalamus giganteus is one of the tallest of bamboos, capable of reaching heights up to 46 m.",
            "gbif_id": 2703313,
            "image_thumbnail": "",
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            "url": "",
            "slug": "dermatophyllum",
            "latin_name": "Dermatophyllum",
            "description": "Dermatophyllum secundiflorum is a species of flowering shrub or small tree in the family Fabaceae that is native to the Southwestern United States (Texas, New Mexico) and Mexico (Chihuahua and Coahuila south to Hidalgo, Puebla, and Querétaro). Its common names include Texas mountain laurel, Texas mescalbean, frijolito, and frijolillo.",
            "gbif_id": 9802334,
            "image_thumbnail": "",
            "image_large": ""
            "url": "",
            "slug": "desmodium",
            "latin_name": "Desmodium",
            "description": "Desmodium is a genus of plants in the legume family Fabaceae, sometimes called tick-trefoil, tick clover, hitch hikers or beggar lice. There are dozens of species and the delimitation of the genus has shifted much over time. Species are distributed widely – from Quebec to northern Argentina in the Americas, across northern and southern tropical Africa, in the southern Arabian Peninsula, in Myanmar and Thailand, New Guinea, and northern and eastern Australia.",
            "gbif_id": 2967050,
            "image_thumbnail": "",
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