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"count": 942,
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"results": [
"url": "",
"slug": "coix",
"latin_name": "Coix",
"description": "Job's tears (Coix lacryma-jobi), also known as adlay or adlay millet, is a tall grain-bearing perennial tropical plant of the family Poaceae (grass family). It is native to Southeast Asia and introduced to Northern China and India in remote antiquity, and elsewhere cultivated in gardens as an annual. It has been naturalized in the southern United States and the New World tropics. In its native environment it is grown at higher elevation areas where rice and corn do not grow well. Job's tears are also commonly sold as Chinese pearl barley, though true barley belongs to a completely different genus.\nThere are two main varieties of the species, one wild and one cultivated. The wild variety, Coix lacryma-jobi var. lacryma-jobi, has hard-shelled pseudocarps—very hard, pearly white, oval structures used as beads for making prayer beads or rosaries, necklaces, and other objects. The cultivated variety Coix lacryma-jobi var. ma-yuen is harvested as a cereal crop, has a soft shell, and is used medicinally in parts of Asia.",
"gbif_id": 2706300,
"image_thumbnail": "",
"image_large": ""
"url": "",
"slug": "cojoba",
"latin_name": "Cojoba",
"description": "Cojoba is a genus of flowering plants in the family Fabaceae. It includes 15 species, which range through the tropical Americas from northern Mexico through Central America and the Caribbean to Bolivia and northern Brazil. from",
"gbif_id": 2981327,
"image_thumbnail": "",
"image_large": ""
"url": "",
"slug": "cola",
"latin_name": "Cola",
"description": "",
"gbif_id": 3152143,
"image_thumbnail": "",
"image_large": ""
"url": "",
"slug": "coleus",
"latin_name": "Coleus",
"description": "Coleps is a genus of ciliates in the class Prostomatea with barrel-shaped bodies surrounded by regularly arranged plates composed of calcium carbonate.",
"gbif_id": 2927310,
"image_thumbnail": "",
"image_large": ""
"url": "",
"slug": "colubrina",
"latin_name": "Colubrina",
"description": "Columbina (Italian: Colombina, meaning \"little dove\"; French and English: Colombine) is a stock character in the commedia dell'arte. She is Harlequin's mistress, a comic servant playing the tricky slave type, and wife of Pierrot. Rudlin and Crick use the Italian spelling Colombina in Commedia dell'Arte: A Handbook for Troupes.",
"gbif_id": 3039524,
"image_thumbnail": "",
"image_large": ""
"url": "",
"slug": "combretum",
"latin_name": "Combretum",
"description": "Combretum, the bushwillows or combretums, make up the type genus of the family Combretaceae. The genus comprises about 272 species of trees and shrubs, most of which are native to tropical and southern Africa, about 5 to Madagascar, but there are others that are native to tropical Asia, New Guinea and the Bismarck Archipelago, Australia, and tropical America. Though somewhat reminiscent of willows (Salix) in their habitus, they are not particularly close relatives of these.",
"gbif_id": 2986357,
"image_thumbnail": "",
"image_large": ""
"url": "",
"slug": "commiphora",
"latin_name": "Commiphora",
"description": "The genus of the myrrhs, Commiphora, is the most species-rich genus of flowering plants in the frankincense and myrrh family, Burseraceae. The genus contains approximately 190 species of shrubs and trees, which are distributed throughout the (sub-) tropical regions of Africa, the western Indian Ocean islands, the Arabian Peninsula, India, and South America. The genus is drought-tolerant and common throughout the xerophytic scrub, seasonally dry tropical forests, and woodlands of these regions.\nThe common name myrrh refers to several species of the genus, from which aromatic resins are derived for various fragrance and medicinal uses by humans.",
"gbif_id": 2972896,
"image_thumbnail": "",
"image_large": ""
"url": "",
"slug": "comptonia",
"latin_name": "Comptonia",
"description": "",
"gbif_id": 8464883,
"image_thumbnail": "",
"image_large": ""
"url": "",
"slug": "conioselinum",
"latin_name": "Conioselinum",
"description": "Conioselinum is a genus of flowering plant in the family Apiaceae, native to Eurasia and North America. Its species are erect perennial plants with deeply toothed compound leaves and umbels of white flowers. Plants of this genus are known commonly as hemlock-parsley.",
"gbif_id": 3034688,
"image_thumbnail": "",
"image_large": ""
"url": "",
"slug": "conium",
"latin_name": "Conium",
"description": "",
"gbif_id": 3034806,
"image_thumbnail": "",
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