GET /api/genera/?format=api&page=18
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    "count": 942,
    "next": "",
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    "results": [
            "url": "",
            "slug": "buxus",
            "latin_name": "Buxus",
            "description": "",
            "gbif_id": 2984666,
            "image_thumbnail": "",
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            "url": "",
            "slug": "byrsonima",
            "latin_name": "Byrsonima",
            "description": "Byrsonima crassifolia is a species of flowering plant in the family Malpighiaceae, native to tropical America. Common names used in English include nance, maricao cimun, craboo, and golden spoon. In Jamaica it is called hogberry.\nThe plant is valued for its small (between one, and one and a quarter centimeter in diameter) round, sweet yellow fruit which is strongly scented. The fruits have a very pungent and distinct flavor and smell. When jarred, their texture resembles that of a green or kalamata olive.",
            "gbif_id": 3191347,
            "image_thumbnail": "",
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            "url": "",
            "slug": "byttneria",
            "latin_name": "Byttneria",
            "description": "Ayenia is a genus of flowering plants in the mallow family, Malvaceae. It includes 216 species of subshrubs, shrubs, small trees, and lianas. They are native to the tropical Americas and southwestern United States, tropical Africa, and tropical Asia.",
            "gbif_id": 7445609,
            "image_thumbnail": "",
            "image_large": ""
            "url": "",
            "slug": "cadaba",
            "latin_name": "Cadaba",
            "description": "Cadaba is a genus of shrubs in family Capparaceae, with about 30 species. These have simple, alternately set leaves. The zygomorphic flowers, are solitary or stand in small clusters at the end of short side branches. These flowers consist of four sepals, none or four petals with a narrow claw at base and a wider plate at the top, a tube-shaped nectar producing appendix, four or five stamens that are merged for about half their length into a so-called androgynophore, and a gynophore on top of which will develop a cylindrical capsule with one or two cavities that contain many small kindney-shaped seeds, and opens with two valves. The genus name Cadaba is derived from the Arab word \"kadhab\", a local name for Cadaba rotundifolia. Some species are classified as famine food in southern Ethiopia.\n29 species are accepted:\n\nCadaba aphylla (Thunb.) Wild\nCadaba baccarinii Chiov.\nCadaba barbigera Gilg\nCadaba benguellensis Mendes\nCadaba capparoides DC.\nCadaba carneoviridis Gilg & Gilg-Ben.\nCadaba divaricata Gilg\nCadaba farinosa Forrsk.\nCadaba fruticosa (L.) Druce\nCadaba gillettii R.A.Graham\nCadaba glaberrima Gilg & Gilg-Ben.\nCadaba glandulosa Forrsk.\nCadaba insularis A.G.Mill.\nCadaba kassasii Chrtek\nCadaba kirkii Oliv.\nCadaba linearifolia (J.Graham) M.R.Almeida\nCadaba longifolia DC.\nCadaba madagascariensis Baill.\nCadaba mirabilis Gilg\nCadaba natalensis Sond.\nCadaba parvula Polhill\nCadaba rotundifolia Forssk.\nCadaba ruspolii Gilg\nCadaba schroeppelii Suess.\nCadaba somalensis Franch.\nCadaba stenopoda Gilg & Gilg-Ben.\nCadaba termitaria  N.E.Br.\nCadaba trifoliata (Roxb.) Wight & Arn.\nCadaba virgata Bojer",
            "gbif_id": 3054233,
            "image_thumbnail": "",
            "image_large": ""
            "url": "",
            "slug": "caesalpinia",
            "latin_name": "Caesalpinia",
            "description": "Caesalpinia is a genus of flowering plants in the family Fabaceae. It includes 10 species which range from southeastern Mexico through Central America to Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, and to Cuba, Hispaniola, and the Bahamas.\nHistorically, membership within the genus has been highly variable, with different publications including anywhere from 70 to 165 species, depending largely on the inclusion or exclusion of species alternately listed under genera such as Hoffmannseggia. It contains tropical or subtropical woody plants. The generic name honours the botanist, physician, and philosopher Andrea Cesalpino (1519–1603).\nThe name Caesalpiniaceae at family level, or Caesalpinioideae at the level of subfamily, is based on this generic name.",
            "gbif_id": 2958443,
            "image_thumbnail": "",
            "image_large": ""
            "url": "",
            "slug": "cajanus",
            "latin_name": "Cajanus",
            "description": "The genus Cajanus is a member of the plant family Fabaceae. There are 37 species, mainly distributed across Africa, Asia and Australasia.\nSpecies include the pigeon pea (C. cajan), which is a significant food crop.\nThe natural range of Cajanus species includes West Africa, Madagascar and the Comoros, the Indian Subcontinent, Indochina, southern China and Taiwan, Malesia, New Guinea, and northern Australia. Typical habitats include seasonally-dry tropical open forest, woodland, and grassland, often in rocky or disturbed areas. Some species, including Cajanus cajan, have been introduced to the tropical Americas, elsewhere in Africa, and to central Asia.\nCajanus species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Endoclita malabaricus.\nSpecies include:\n\nCajanus acutifolius (F.Muell. ex Benth.) Maesen\nCajanus albicans (Wight & Arn.) Maesen\nCajanus aromaticus Maesen\nCajanus cajan (L.) Huth – pigeon pea, Congo-pea\nCajanus cajanifolius (Haines) Maesen\nCajanus cinereus (F.Muell. ex Benth.) F.Muell.\nCajanus confertiflorus F.Muell.\nCajanus crassicaulis Maesen\nCajanus crassus (Prain ex King) Maesen\nCajanus elongatus (Benth.) Maesen\nCajanus geminatus Pedley ex Maesen\nCajanus goensis Dalzell\nCajanus grandiflorus (Benth. ex Baker) Maesen\nCajanus heynei (Wight & Arn.) Maesen\nCajanus hirtopilosus Maesen\nCajanus kerstingii Harms\nCajanus lanceolatus (W.Fitzg.) Maesen\nCajanus lanuginosus Maesen\nCajanus latisepalus (S.T.Reynolds & Pedley) Maesen\nCajanus lineatus (Wight & Arn.) Maesen\nCajanus mareebensis (S.T.Reynolds & Pedley) Maesen\nCajanus marmoratus (Banks ex Benth.) F.Muell.\nCajanus mollis (Benth.) Maesen\nCajanus niveus (Benth.) Maesen\nCajanus platycarpus (Benth.) Maesen\nCajanus pubescens (Ewart & Morrison) Maesen\nCajanus reticulatus Aiton) F.Muell.\nCajanus scarabaeoides (L.) Thouars\nCajanus sericeus (Benth. ex Baker) Maesen\nCajanus trinervius (DC.) Maesen\nCajanus villosus (Benth. ex Baker) Maesen\nCajanus viscidus Maesen\nCajanus volubilis (Blanco) Blanco",
            "gbif_id": 2960263,
            "image_thumbnail": "",
            "image_large": ""
            "url": "",
            "slug": "calamus",
            "latin_name": "Calamus",
            "description": "Acorus calamus (also called sweet flag, sway or muskrat root, among many other common names) is a species of flowering plant with psychoactive chemicals. It is a tall wetland monocot of the family Acoraceae, in the genus Acorus. Although used in traditional medicine over centuries to treat digestive disorders and pain, there is no clinical evidence for its safety or efficacy – and ingested calamus may be toxic – leading to its commercial ban in the United States.",
            "gbif_id": 8494406,
            "image_thumbnail": "",
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            "url": "",
            "slug": "calathea",
            "latin_name": "Calathea",
            "description": "",
            "gbif_id": 8394666,
            "image_thumbnail": "",
            "image_large": ""
            "url": "",
            "slug": "calendula",
            "latin_name": "Calendula",
            "description": "Calendula () is a genus of about 15–20 species of annual and perennial herbaceous plants in the daisy family, Asteraceae that are often known as marigolds.: 771  They are native to southwestern Asia, western Europe, Macaronesia, and the Mediterranean. Other plants known as marigolds include corn marigold, desert marigold, marsh marigold, and plants of the genus Tagetes.\nThe genus name Calendula is a modern Latin diminutive of calendae, meaning \"little calendar\", \"little clock\" or possibly \"little weather-glass\". The common name \"marigold\", a contraction of \"Mary's gold\" refers to the Virgin Mary. The most commonly cultivated and used member of the genus is Calendula officinalis, the pot marigold. Popular herbal and cosmetic products named \"Calendula\" invariably derive from C. officinalis.",
            "gbif_id": 3104843,
            "image_thumbnail": "",
            "image_large": ""
            "url": "",
            "slug": "calliandra",
            "latin_name": "Calliandra",
            "description": "Calliandra is a genus of flowering plants in the pea family, Fabaceae, in the mimosoid clade of the subfamily Caesalpinioideae. It contains about 140 species that are native to tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas.",
            "gbif_id": 2981784,
            "image_thumbnail": "",
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