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    "count": 214,
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    "results": [
            "url": "",
            "slug": "cucurbitaceae",
            "latin_name": "Cucurbitaceae",
            "description": "The Cucurbitaceae (), also called cucurbits or the gourd family, are a plant family consisting of about 965 species in around 95 genera. Those most important to humans are the following:\n\nCucurbita – squash, pumpkin, zucchini or courgette, some gourds\nLagenaria – calabash, and others that are inedible\nCitrullus – watermelon (C. lanatus, C. colocynthis) and others\nCucumis – cucumber (C. sativus), various melons and vines\nMomordica – bitter melon\nLuffa – the common name is also luffa, sometimes spelled loofah (when fully ripened, two species of this fibrous fruit are the source of the loofah scrubbing sponge)\nCyclanthera – Caigua\nThe plants in this family are grown around the tropics and in temperate areas, where those with edible fruits were among the earliest cultivated plants in both the Old and New Worlds. The family Cucurbitaceae ranks among the highest of plant families for number and percentage of species used as human food. The name Cucurbitaceae comes to international scientific vocabulary from Neo-Latin, from Cucurbita, the type genus, + -aceae, a standardized suffix for plant family names in modern taxonomy. The genus name comes from the Classical Latin word cucurbita, meaning \"gourd\".",
            "gbif_id": 6634,
            "image_thumbnail": "",
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            "slug": "cunoniaceae",
            "latin_name": "Cunoniaceae",
            "description": "Cunoniaceae is a family of 27 genera and about 335 species of woody plants in the order Oxalidales, mostly found in the tropical and wet temperate regions of the Southern Hemisphere.\nThe greatest diversity of genera are in Australia and Tasmania (15 genera), New Guinea (9 genera), and New Caledonia (7 genera). The family is also present in  Central America, South America, the Caribbean, Malesia, the islands of the South Pacific, Madagascar and surrounding islands. the family is absent from mainland Asia except from Peninsular Malaysia, and almost absent from mainland Africa apart from two species from Southern Africa (Cunonia capensis, Platylophus trifoliatus). Several of the genera have remarkable disjunct ranges, found on more than one continent, e.g. Cunonia (Southern Africa & New Caledonia), Eucryphia (Australia & South America) Weinmannia (America and the Mascarenes).\nThe family includes trees and shrubs; most are evergreen but a few are deciduous. The leaves are opposite or whorled (alternate in Davidsonia), and simple or compound (pinnate or palmate), with entire or toothed margin, and often with conspicuous stipules (interpetiolar or intrapetiolar). The flowers have four or five (rarely three or up to ten) sepals and petals. The fruit is usually a woody capsule or a follicle containing several small seeds.\nThe family has a rich fossil record in Australia and fossil representatives are known in the Northern Hemisphere. Platydiscus peltatus was found in Upper Cretaceous rocks from Sweden and is likely a member of the Cunoniaceae. An earlier possible fossil member is from the Cenomanian. Tropidogyne, found in Burmese amber, has flowers that strongly resemble the extant Ceratopetalum.",
            "gbif_id": 2405,
            "image_thumbnail": "",
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            "slug": "cupressaceae",
            "latin_name": "Cupressaceae",
            "description": "Cupressaceae is a conifer family, the cypress, with worldwide distribution. The family includes 27–30 genera (17 monotypic), which include the junipers and redwoods, with about 130–140 species in total. They are monoecious, subdioecious or (rarely) dioecious trees and shrubs up to 116 m (381 ft) tall. The bark of mature trees is commonly orange- to red-brown and of stringy texture, often flaking or peeling in vertical strips, but smooth, scaly or hard and square-cracked in some species.",
            "gbif_id": 8144,
            "image_thumbnail": "",
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            "url": "",
            "slug": "cyatheaceae",
            "latin_name": "Cyatheaceae",
            "description": "The Cyatheaceae are a family of ferns, the scaly tree ferns, one of eight families in the order Cyatheales in the Pteridophyte Phylogeny Group classification of 2016 (PPG I). Alternatively, the family may defined much more broadly (Cyatheaceae sensu lato) as the only family in the Cyatheales, with the PPG I family treated as the subfamily Cyatheoideae. The narrower circumscription is used in this article.\nThe family includes the world's tallest tree ferns, which reach heights up to 20 m. They are also very ancient plants, appearing in the fossil record in the late Jurassic, though the modern genera likely appeared in the Cenozoic. Cyatheaceae are the largest family of tree ferns, including about 640 species. Cyatheaceae and Dicksoniaceae, together with Metaxyaceae and Cibotiaceae, do not form a strongly supported monophyletic group and could be paraphyletic, but several individual subgroups are well supported as being monophyletic. Cyatheaceae are leptosporangiate ferns, the most familiar group of monilophytes.\nThe Cyatheaceae usually have a single, erect or creeping  rhizome (stem).  Their fronds (leaves) are also very large, although not as large as the tree ferns of the Marattiaceae. Some species have fronds reaching 3–4 m in length, and have a final crown width of some 6 m. The fronds are circinate before unfolding and usually pinnately or bipinnately compound, with deeply pinnately lobed leaflets. The large leaves are covered in scales and hairs, and bear sori (spore clusters) on their undersides. The sori are often covered by a flap of tissue called an indusium, a useful characteristic for classifying the Cyatheaceae. Some indusia are cup-shaped (cyatheoid), while others are hood-shaped (hemitelioid), enclose the sorus (sphaeropteroid), or scaly. Like most ferns, members of the Cyatheaceae are homosporous. Cyatheaceae are found in both New and Old World tropical wet montane forests and cloud forests, with some species extending into south-temperate regions. Most Cyatheaceae are terrestrial, with one being a facultative epiphyte and others having a creeping habit.\n\nCyatheaceae can be distinguished from arborescent Dicksonia by the presence of scales, the position of the sori, and the morphology of sporangia and spores. In the Cyatheaceae, the sori occur away from the margins of the pinnules, and are elongate or rounded.",
            "gbif_id": 6624,
            "image_thumbnail": "",
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            "slug": "cycadaceae",
            "latin_name": "Cycadaceae",
            "description": "Cycas is a genus of cycad, and the only genus in the family Cycadaceae with all other genera of cycad being divided between the Stangeriaceae and Zamiaceae families. Cycas circinalis, a species endemic to India, was the first cycad species to be described in western literature, and is the type species of the genus.\nAs of April 2024, there are 119 accepted species within the genus Cycas, all of which are native to Asia, Oceania, and eastern Africa and the Indian ocean region, with the largest number of species native to Australia, China and Vietnam.\nIn horticulture, the most widely grown and perhaps best-known Cycas species is Cycas revoluta, which is commercially grown in large numbers for sale as houseplants or to be used in landscaping.\nAs with other cycads in general, Cycas species may be popularly called 'living fossils', representing the surviving decedents of an ancient lineage of seed-bearing plants that were known to exist in the dinosaur era. Despite their ancient roots, the majority of Cycas species are highly endangered. Many are threatened by the illegal trade of wild collected plants for plant collectors, and through the conversion of land for urban development or agricultural use.",
            "gbif_id": 6168,
            "image_thumbnail": "",
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            "slug": "cyperaceae",
            "latin_name": "Cyperaceae",
            "description": "The Cyperaceae () are a family of  graminoid (grass-like), monocotyledonous flowering plants known as  sedges. The family is large: botanists have described some 5,500 known species in about 90 genera, the largest being the \"true sedges\" (genus Carex) with over 2,000 species.",
            "gbif_id": 7708,
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            "slug": "davalliaceae",
            "latin_name": "Davalliaceae",
            "description": "Davallia (deersfoot fern, hare's foot fern,  shinobu fern, rabbit foot fern,  ball fern) is a genus of about 40 species of fern. In the Pteridophyte Phylogeny Group classification of 2016 (PPG I), it is the only genus in the family Davalliaceae, which is placed in the suborder Polypodiineae, order Polypodiales. Alternatively, the family may be placed in a very broadly defined family Polypodiaceae sensu lato as the subfamily Davallioideae.\nThe family is sister to the largest family of ferns, Polypodiaceae, and shares some morphological characters with it. Species are epiphytic ferns, with fronds arising from long aerial rhizomes which grow on and over thick bark on trees or on rock crevices.",
            "gbif_id": 3229325,
            "image_thumbnail": "",
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            "slug": "dennstaedtiaceae",
            "latin_name": "Dennstaedtiaceae",
            "description": "Dennstaedtiaceae is one of fifteen families in the order Polypodiales, the most derived families within monilophytes (ferns). It comprises 10 genera with ca 240 known species, including one of the world's most abundant ferns, Pteridium aquilinum (bracken). Members of the order generally have large, highly divided leaves and have either small, round intramarginal sori with cup-shaped indusia (e.g. Dennstaedtia) or linear marginal sori with a false indusium formed from the reflexed leaf margin (e.g. Pteridium).  The morphological diversity among members of the order has confused past taxonomy, but recent molecular studies have supported the monophyly of the order and the family. The reclassification of Dennstaedtiaceae and the rest of the monilophytes was published in 2006, so most of the available literature is not updated.",
            "gbif_id": 6623,
            "image_thumbnail": "",
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            "slug": "dilleniaceae",
            "latin_name": "Dilleniaceae",
            "description": "Dilleniaceae is a family of flowering plants with 11 genera and about 430 known species. Such a family has been universally recognized by taxonomists. It is known to gardeners for the genus Hibbertia, which contains many commercially valuable garden species.",
            "gbif_id": 2511,
            "image_thumbnail": "",
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            "url": "",
            "slug": "dioscoreaceae",
            "latin_name": "Dioscoreaceae",
            "description": "Dioscoreaceae () is a family of monocotyledonous flowering plants, with about 715 known species in nine genera. The best-known member of the family is the yam (some species of Dioscorea).\nThe APG system (1998) and APG II system (2003) both place it in the order Dioscoreales, in the clade monocots. However, the circumscription changed in the APG II system, with the 2003 system expanded to include the plants that in the 1998 system were treated in the families Taccaceae and Trichopodaceae.",
            "gbif_id": 7694,
            "image_thumbnail": "",
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